Archive for Leadership

The Problem Solver

The Problem Solver

The picture below is a text conversation I had with my 14yr old son when he was flying home from school by himself.  His plane had gotten in late to the terminal and he was waiting for his bag plane side with only 15 minutes to spear to get across DFW airport to catch his next flight.  This conversation occurred because he was unsure how to navigate the airport.



The Ability to Problem Solve sets us apart from other people!!

Yes, yes it does.

I don’t think I have much more wisdom on that today.  As Red Green would say, “Keep your stick on the ice.”

Super Bowl


My eight-year-old son’s comment to the Super Bowl game last night. “The Seahawks must have practiced harder.”

Hall of Fame American Basketball coach John Wooden believed games were won in practice and preparation.  The game was just an extension of what they had already perfected.

I’m not trying to analyze the game last night by any means.  It’s the comment by my eight year old that brings a great teaching moment into play.

Ask yourself some questions today.

What am I doing to be better at my craft? 

What new things have I learned lately that make me better than I was yesterday, last week, last month, or last year?

Lastly and most important questions.

How can I improve today? 

Just taking the time to read this post is a step in the right direction. Just like Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”

Today’s Your Victory Day!!

How are you Playing?


Recently I attended one of my nephew’s pewee hockey game, they were struggling to keep up with the opposing team that they had beaten night before.  I had to stand and watch the game because I was getting a little excited about how they were not in the game, “once a hockey player always a hockey player”.  As I stood in the moment of watching that game I was reminded of a mind set most people get into when the game of life starts heading in the wrong direction.

 “Are you playing to win or are you playing not to lose”?

The out come of that statement can be the same thing, but it’s the mind set that makes the difference. When we play to win we think in a way that is totally different then when we play not to lose.

Playing to win is an active response to our situation.

Playing not to lose is a passive response to our situation.

Activity takes a few ideas to process.
1. Recognition of the choices we are or are not making.  That’s whats interesting about activity verses passivity they are both choices if you like it or not.
2. Using your God given ability to make a new choice in how you will respond to the situation. That is one thing that separates us from the animals is we don’t live on instinct, but rather by choice.

My encouragement for the day is take an active role in your life.  Stop playing the game not to lose and start playing to win.  Oh and by the way, my nephew’s team came out in the 3rd period ready to play to win and almost tied the game in the last few seconds.  How are u playing?


“The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively, but says nothing.”

          — Henry S. Haskins: stockbroker and man of letters


Hmm…. Kinda makes you think about the last few conversations you’ve had.

Interview with Erin Ward of GiANT Impact

This is a recent interview that I did with Erin Ward Host Site Manager at GiANT Impact.  She manages 800 host sites for the Chick-fil-a Leadercast.  We shot this on a recent trip to Atlanta in the GiANT Impact offices.  We had a wonderful time meeting all the people that make the Leadercast and Catalyst possible.  Great culture, Great people, Great cause.  Have a look!!!



Leadership Finish Line

Message from the Black Chair on Leadership.